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CADA plays a supporting role in the lives and stories of so many families like Cara's. YOU can support CADA so we can continue to support survivors.


Cara is a fictional survivor whose situation is very real. Cara is a teacher, book lover, mother, and wife. Cara and Marcus have been together since their first year of college; they got married when they were 22. Their son, Cameron, is 7 years old, and Marcus's mother provides regular childcare. Marcus has deep ties to the local community, while Cara is from out of state. Cara could be anyone. She could be someone you know and love.


Below, you'll read some snippets from her journal that demonstrate the real-life experiences of countless survivors we work with every day.


Nala soo xiriir:

Saacadaha shaqada ee caadiga ah ee CADA waa Isniinta - Jimcaha laga bilaabo 8:00 subaxnimo - 4:00 galabnimo Haddii aad rabto inaad tabaruc samayso, iskaa wax u qabso, ama aad qabto su'aalo kale oo ku saabsan CADA, fadlan soo gaadh.

Si aad ula hadasho qof u dooda, fadlan wac khadkeena caawinta ee 24-ka saac ah.  


WAC:  507-625-8688



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La hadal u doodaha:


Haddii adiga ama qof aad taqaan uu la kulmo xadgudub xiriir ama xadgudub galmo, u -doodaha ayaa ku caawin kara.


Khadka caawinta ee 24 -saac -  1-800-477-0466

Qoraal u dir u doodaha-507-223-4200

Iimayl u dir qareen -

La hadal u doode - Guji HALKAN

Xafiisyada CADA:


Degmada Dhulka Buluugga ah -  507-625-8688

Degmada Brown -  507-233-6663

Degmada Faribault -  507-526-5275

Degmada Le Sueur -  507-934-5583

Degmada Martin -  507-399-2001

Degmada Nicollet -  507-934-5583

Degmada Sibley -  507-233-6666

Degmada Waseca -  507-835-7828

Degmada Watonwan -  507-375-3040

Caawinta CADA maanta!

Isku qor wargeyskeena!


21 2021 by CADA

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